We Are More Offended by FUCK Than FAILURE

April Hunter
3 min readJan 20, 2021

I think it’s funny (ha) that America chooses to be more offended over the words “fuck”, “goddamn” & “cunt” than we are with our faltering eco-system, the rampant national divide, our questionable for-profit healthcare, and a dire lack of workplace sick days and vacation time.

I mean, doesn’t anyone care that you are enslaved to a job you hate simply because it provides decent healthcare and you’ve no freedom to move about and find something better…or you lose the coverage you and your family depend upon?

Or the fact that our coverage and prices from one person to the next…one hospital to the next…is so varied? This is all completely ridiculous. It’s FUCKED UP. An MRI should be a certain price, no matter WHERE you get it. You, the kid in college, and the guy down the street should have the same decent coverage. This isn’t a socialist or entitlement thing. It’s a basic human right. How the fuck are we supposed to be happy and productive if we or someone in our family isn’t well? Or we’re fighting medical bills and arguing with insurance companies to cover payments, driving great distances to find an “in-network” doctor? It’s stupid. You cannot.

Yet we accept this as if we’re all children of alcoholics…afraid to speak up, terrified of confrontation, being beaten, knowing that deep down that we don’t deserve better. Knowing we don’t deserve what everyone else has access to. Being told we’re “the best in the world” by our abusive parents and how everyone else is awful on the rare moment…



April Hunter

A Nerd w/ Boobs. Killer Kowalski Trained Pro Wrestler. Writer. Playboy Pinup. Nutrition Expert. Film Fan. If you want to see the girl next door - go next door.