Remember, Remember the Fifth of November
(Warning: Copious amount of swears. Ps. Get over it. They’re the salt & pepper of the English language. No one’s slapping your baby.)
Remember, remember the fifth of November.
I sit back and watch, frustrated. For years. But especially lately. I have a bit of a reality check that some need to hear.
If you are so passionately “for” either political candidate that you’re willing to alienate actual human beings (friends, families, neighbors, and unfriend on Facebook), then you might want to take a good LONG look at yourself in the mirror.
Because both candidates ARE FUCKED.
We’ve got a delusion of choice here in America: a politically correct arranged marriage of career politicians *or* a complete nutter who goes off the rails so regularly you can set your clock by it. That’s it. Sheep shagging shite vs. the bleeding shits.
**Mind you, Congress is who generally makes our laws.** And none of these people use our healthcare, schools, or live anything resembling our plebeian lives, but they sure as shit make all the laws regarding such. You don’t find that a little disturbing? Some dude who only ever went to private schools, never served in the military, and receives high end socialized care is writing the rules about teachers, benefits, and health insurance? Cutting birth control benefits? (Yeah, that’s happening for 2021 BCBS insurance. Massive cuts for women across the board. Men have all their testosterone services fully covered. Menopause HRT, not so much.) This second-generation attorney or career politician never sat in an emergency room for 6 hours and then received a $3800 bill after — at the same time the rent was due. We put up with this…WHY?
For example, we’ve allowed “temporary” baggage fees to stretch on forever without so much as a peep. The airlines are literally charging us TO TAKE OUR CLOTHES ALONG WITH US after paying for a ticket…yet we lose our shit over a mask that may or may not protect others? Seriously? THAT is what it took to get our disproportionate asses off the couch and revolt? How very disappointing.
Americans are so used to getting fucked up the ass with no lube, no kiss, no drink, and no reach-around that we don’t even see when it’s happening.
Especially when the media tells us it’s not. “It’s for your safety against terrorism.” Or, “It’s for it’s the kids.” Bullshit. Shut off the TV and stifle the social media pages feeding you this bukkake. Fear breeds paranoia and more fear. You can absolutely CHOOSE to say no. It’s just an emotion.
Chose logic and stoicism. Because your fear is worth so much money, and it tops our GDP. We can be feared and steered into anything. Stop allowing yourself to be manipulated.
Now, if you’re invested in voting AGAINST one of these two doucheba….erm…candidates…who don’t give one single fuck about you, your family, or your needs in order to keep some kind of “freedom” (perceived or otherwise) in place, such as tax cuts or choice, so be it. But for the love of all things holy, Odin, Freya, Athena, YHWH, Mother Earth, Allah, Vishnu and the good lord Baby Jesus (or simply being good for goodness’ sake), please remember that in the grand scale of life, this is but a small blip on our personal timelines — and it’s NOT worth losing those who DO care about us. Shits given > no fucks at all.
Our media and government violate our Constitution every single day. You should learn it. Not just the Second Amendment. UNITED we stand. DIVIDED we fall.
Rome was able to take over and enslave the entire freaking world because all the tribes were so preoccupied with fighting each other, they didn’t notice the invasion hitting their own shores. Then, ironically, they fell victim to their own tactic. Imagine that…the most advanced nation in the world…my God, even plumbing!…becoming the prey as others sowed the seeds of dissent.
Divide et impera has long been used in history with screaming success.
While you’re digging out the Constitution, maybe learn some goddamn history. Because it’s repeating itself, right in front of our faces. And you’re allowing it to happen. It costs nothing to be educated — and everything not to be.
It’s so utterly heartbreaking to see people tearing each other apart over Trump or Biden and allowing very temporary situations to leave permanent scars.
April K. Hunter is a television writer, short story author, copywriter, blogger, and primarily writes thrillers and memoirs. She has her B.F.A. in Creative Writing for Entertainment and her work appears in a variety of publications, including RxMuscle, Page & Spine, Medium, and European Journal FONT. Her first book, UNDISCLOSED DARKNESS can be found on Smashwords and Barnes & Noble.
A model and pro wrestler, she’s currently a part-time superhero at geek conventions, Mother of Chickens, and owned by one spoiled rotten corgi. When not crafting stories, she is learning something new each day or scouring the internet for funny memes while drinking too much coffee.
Insta: @realAprilHunter
Guy Fawkes speech:
“Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission.
How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn’t be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. ”
-Alan Moore, V for Vendetta