In Many Ways, DC Was Our Own Fault

April Hunter
12 min readJan 11, 2021

Someone asked me to write about what happened this past week with the Capitol. “I’d be really curious to see what you think, even if I don’t agree with it.”

I declined because I can see so many sides to this situation that I’ll end up alienating everyone. But, after thinking for a day or two, I decided to go ahead and hit the keyboard.

People hear what they want to hear. Context matters. You might only see a phrase that offends you, read too much into what I’m saying, then take my words and twist them. I’d hope you don’t, but I can’t control that if you do…it’s your decision.

And as much as people claim they don’t like labels, they fucking LOOOVE labels. They want to fly labels out to Vegas and marry them. They want to have 8 babies with their labels. We’ve gotten to where labels are our personal identity. If you insult a political party, you’ve now just personally insulted a person. This person will knee-jerk react as if you’ve slapped their baby. To me, this makes no goddamn sense. Just like you are not what you do to put food on your table, you also are not who you vote for. Those in power have zero fucks to give about you. Why do you have so many to give to them?

We’re so desperate for affirmation that we’re “right” that we only watch and read the news outlets that align with our own views.



April Hunter

A Nerd w/ Boobs. Killer Kowalski Trained Pro Wrestler. Writer. Playboy Pinup. Nutrition Expert. Film Fan. If you want to see the girl next door - go next door.