Accurate. Thank you for writing about this time...which was exceptionally heartbreaking, frustrating and painful to see and experience.
This is also why we will NEVER get rid of our guns. To have people turn against us that quickly... to call for turning us, the unvaccinated, away from emergency care, deny our medical needs, bar us from restaurants and grocery stores, refuse entry to buildings, fire us from jobs, call us selfish and murderers...this was a real lesson in depths that humanity can sink to.
It was absolutely disgusting.
The hysteria was real. And people were "just following orders." Exactly like during World War II.
You don't have mandates anymore because of us. You're welcome for the freedom most of you do not deserve.
We would have gotten it faster if more had stood with us instead of against us.
If I sound angry, it's because I am. I risked everything and lost a lot to keep myself and the rest of you mandate free.
So many others just went along with it...hoping they'd comply themselves out of the bullshit. Didn't work.